What Is eNPS, and How to Calculate It?

Understand how to measure and work with eNPS.

Table of contents.

eNPS is short for Employee NPS (Net Promoter Score) which is traditionally used to measure customer satisfaction, but which has made great inroads as a key figure for measuring employee satisfaction. In theory, employees are asked if they would recommend the workplace, but behind the attitude to the workplace there is to a large extent the employee's own sense of satisfaction. ENPS is relatively straightforward, as it only requires a single question, but it is recommended to measure it continuously just as it was originally used to measure customer satisfaction.

It is not enough to measure eNPS or employee satisfaction once or twice a year. This must happen much more frequently if you want to be proactive about good well-being.

How does eNPS work?

The question underlying the scale: "How likely is it that you will recommend your workplace to others?"

eNPS survey
This is the typical eNPS question.

Each employee is assigned a group based on their answer, on a scale of 0-10, which represents her willingness to recommend the workplace. There are three groups; Detractors, Passives and Promoters.

This is the eNPS scale from 1-10
  • Detractors are the ones who answer 0-6: It is these employees who pull down your company's reputation when talking to potential job candidates, their colleagues and your customers.
  • Passives are the ones that answer 7-8: They do not subtract either in or out of your overall eNPS score. It is thus estimated that those who answer seven or eight are happy and satisfied, but they are not loyal ambassadors for the company.
  • Promoters are the ones who answer 9-10: These employees are your ambassadors. They recommend your workplace when given the chance, and because they spread a lot of enthusiasm and joy, they greatly contribute to the overall well-being of the employees. In addition, they increase your competitiveness in recruitment, and will not switch to a competitor because they are loyal.

How to calculate your eNPS score.

Once you have all your employees in the groups Detractors, Passives and Promoters, you can calculate your company's eNPS score.

eNPS = [Promoters %] minus [Detractors %]

For example, you have 40 employees, of which 11 are promoters and 2 are detractors, you can calculate that 27.5% of your employees are promoters and 5% are detractors, and your eNPS is therefore 22.5.

What is a good eNPS for a company?

As the scale goes from -100 to +100, the first goal for a company is to get into positive numbers. There is not a straightforward framework for what is good, but you can easily say something relative about how loyal, good ambassadors and committed employees are based on eNPS:

  • Over 10 indicates that there are slightly more promoters than detractors, and that's fine.
  • Over 30 indicates a clear predominance of promoters / ambassadors and that is good.
  • Over 50 indicates is difficult to achieve. You have an incredibly loyal pool of employees who are happy to recommend the workplace. That is really good.
  • Over 80 indicates absolute world class. When almost all employees would highly recommend the workplace, they have truly achieved a competitiveness in recruiting and retaining talent!

eNPS is partly used incorrectly today.

Employees' willingness to recommend a workplace is not a current insight into how they thrive. It is undoubtedly a good marker, but eNPS falls a bit short when it comes to measuring an employee's motivation to go to work, well-being and satisfaction.

On the other hand, eNPS has an obvious use case for recruitment. One of the most important sources of effective recruitment is that employees would actually recommend the job to a friend or acquaintance.

Til gengæld har eNPS en oplagt kobling til rekruttering. En af de vigtigste kilder til effektiv rekruttering er at medarbejdere faktisk ville anbefale en ven eller bekendt arbejdspladsen. Optimally, they would help recruit, but at least recommend the job, if asked.

eNPS is the obvious metric for measuring whether HR and recruitment today have the necessary support from employees to have effective recruitment.

How can you measure eNPS?

There are a few tools available to measure eNPS scores. It is recommended to measure eNPS on a monthly basis. This allows you to monitor the changes in eNPS over time, which is important for taking proactive steps to maintain a positive employer brand.

If you are interested in implementing eNPS measurement at your workplace, consider using Zoios. Zoios is a potential solution that automatically sends a monthly survey to measure employees' eNPS, stress levels, and overall well-being. By comparing eNPS with well-being and stress data, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your organization's overall health.



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